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内蒙古工业大学坐落在内蒙古呼和浩特市,是一所以工为主,工、理、文、经、法、管、艺术相结合,具有学士、硕士、博士完整人才培养体系的特色鲜明的多科性大学,学校设有19个教学单位,现有66个本科招生专业,具有推荐优秀本科生免试攻读硕士研究生资格,现有20个国家级、10个自治区级一流本科专业建设点。现有力学、材料科学与工程、化学工程与技术、动力工程及工程热物理、建筑学等6个博士学位授权一级学科,硕士学位授权一级学科25个,硕士专业学位授权类别15个。现有材料科学与工程、化学工程与技术、力学3个博士后科研流动站,工程学科进入ESI全球前1%。 能源与动力工程学院内蒙古工业大学能源与动力工程学院现有动力工程及工程热物理博硕士一级学科,动力工程、清洁能源技术、储能技术3个工程硕士培养领域,能源与动力工程、新能源科学与工程2个国家级一流本科专业,风能太阳能利用技术教育部重点实验室等11个省部级以上科研科普平台,配备占地50余亩风光资源优良的自然测试场。聚焦国家能源基地建设重大需求与区内外能源类龙头企业建立了多个创新联合体,是内蒙古能源领域科技创新、人才培养和学术交流的主阵地。土木工程学院内蒙古工业大学土木工程学院拥有工程力学二级学科博士点、土木工程和交通运输工程2个一级学科硕士点、土木水利和工程管理2个硕士专业学位类别;设有土木工程等7个本科专业,其中2个国家级、1个自治区级一流本科专业建设点;土木工程、建筑环境与能源应用工程2个专业通过工程教育认证。学院拥有土木工程结构与力学重点实验室等5个省部级平台,4个自治区级教学和科研团队,15个校企联合培养基地。电力学院内蒙古工业大学电力学院现有控制科学与工程、电气工程两个一级学科硕士学位授权点,控制工程领域、电气工程领域2个工程硕士培养领域。学院现有3个本科专业,其中电气工程及其自动化、自动化均为国家级一流本科专业建设点,智能电网信息工程为新工科专业。学院建有大规模储能技术教育部工程研究中心、内蒙古能源战略研究中心、内蒙古机电控制重点实验室、内蒙古自治区高校智慧能源技术与装备工程研究中心,已形成全方位、多层次科研平台。根据学校事业发展和学科建设需要,面向海内外公开招聘学院院长、学术副院长。一招聘岗位(一)能源与动力工程学院院长1名;(二)土木工程学院院长1名;(三)电力学院学术副院长1名。二应聘条件(一)基本条件1.拥护中华人民共和国宪法和法律法规,拥护中国共产党领导和社会主义制度,具有良好的政治素质和道德品行,热爱高等教育事业,具有强烈的社会责任感和敬业精神,落实立德树人根本任务。2.熟悉高等教育规律,认同学校办学理念,具有丰富的管理经验和较强的组织协调与沟通表达能力。具有全局观念、创新意识和团队精神,治学严谨,作风正派,对学院发展具有前瞻性战略构想。3.具有正常履行职责的身体和心理条件。(二)岗位条件1.学科专业条件:具有动力工程及工程热物理、电气工程、控制科学与工程、土木工程等相关学科专业背景,学术造诣深厚,学术成果突出,具有良好的学术声誉和影响力。2.资历要求:具有博士学位和副高级以上专业技术职务;年龄一般不超过50周岁,具有海外工作经历或入选国家重大人才工程的优先考虑。3.素质要求:具有国际学术视野,有国内外高校院(系)、研究所或实验室管理工作经历。三聘期与待遇(一)实行聘任制,首次聘期为五年,其中试用期一年。(二)学校提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利待遇,一人一策,具体面议。(三)提供过渡性住房或租房补贴,并根据配偶学历等条件安置相应工作、协调子女入学相关事宜。四招聘程序(一)应聘人员登录内蒙古工业大学人才招聘网站(https://zp.imut.edu.cn)填报个人报名信息。报名提交材料:1.按照网站提示准确填写个人应聘信息,并在报名网站提交下列材料: 本人有效身份证件 (正反面);从大学开始的学历、学位证书,学信网学历电子注册备案表,获得国 (境)外学历学位的,须提供教育部留学服务中心出具的《国(境)外学历学位认证书》,专业技术资格证书,获奖证书、专利成果、专业成果、项目成果、近三年工作总结或述职报告、《个人诚信承诺书》电子版扫描件。2.应聘人员要仔细阅读公告和《个人诚信承诺书》,提交的材料要真实、准确、完整。应聘人员在应聘期间的表现,将作为公开招聘背景调查的重要内容之一。(二)资格审查:根据岗位招聘条件对应聘人员进行资格审查,资格审查贯穿招聘工作全过程,任何环节发现应聘人员不符合岗位报名条件或提供的材料弄虚作假,一经查实,取消聘用资格。(三)面试面谈:学校择优遴选候选人并按相关程序进行面试答辩。(四)学校根据面试答辩情况确定考察人选。(五)按照《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》有关规定,履行民主推荐、考察等干部选拔任用任职手续,学校召开党委会研究确定拟聘人选,签订聘任合同,并按照有关规定办理入职手续。有考察不合格者或放弃资格者,依排序等额递补。五其他要求聘用人员的考核内容在工作协议中约定。六联系方式联 系 人:刘部长;曹老师联系电话:0471-6575134;0471-6576110电子信箱:zzb@imut.edu.cn内蒙古工业大学网址:http://www.imut.edu.cn 2023 Recruitment Announcement forDeans and Vice DeansInner Mongolia University of TechnologyLocated in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, Inner Mongolia University of Technology (IMUT) is an engineering-based institution for higher education. Focusing on the field of engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology has become a multi-disciplinary university with distinct features, embracing such diverse branches of learning as science and technology, social sciences and the humanities, economy, management, the science of law and art. At present, there are 19 schools and colleges in IMUT, in which 66 undergraduate programs are offered. IMUT is entitled to recommending outstanding undergraduate students for the Master’s program without taking an examination. IMUT is also home to 20 national first-class undergraduate major construction points and 10 first-class undergraduate major construction points of Inner Mongolia. 6 first-level PhD programs are offered in IMUT, namely, mechanics, material science and engineering, chemical engineering and technology, power engineering and engineering thermophysics, architecture, etc. 25 first-level master's programs in 15 fields are also found in IMUT. Moreover, centers for post-doctoral studies in 3 fields are established, namely material science and engineering, chemical engineering and technology and mechanics. Inner Mongolia university of Technology ranks within global top 1% in ESI in the field of engineering. College of Energy and Power Engineering in Inner Mongolia University of Technology is home to a first-level PhD program and Master’s program, Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics. Three professional Master’s programs in such fields as Power Engineering, Clean Energy Technology and Energy Storage are offered in the College. College of Energy and Power Engineering is also home to two national first-class undergraduate major construction points, namely, Energy and Power Engineering and Renewable Energy Science and Engineering. In College of Energy and Power Engineering, there are eleven platforms on which scientific research is conducted and educational development is promoted. In this college, there is a high-quality outdoor testing site for the wind power and solar energy with a total area of 50 Mu (3.3 Hectares). In an effort to meet the national need to build Inner Mongolia into a national energy base, several innovative cooperative organizations have been established by College of Energy and Power Engineering and other leading companies in the field of energy in Inner Mongolia and other provinces. College of Energy and Power Engineering has become a major base in Inner Mongolia in which scientific and technological innovation, talent training and academic exchanges in the field of energy are conducted.College of Civil Engineering in Inner Mongolia University of Technology is home to a second-level PhD program, Engineering Mechanics, two first-level Maser’s programs, i.e., Civil Engineering and Transportation Engineering, two professional master’s programs, i.e., Civil Engineering and Hydraulic Engineering and Project Management, seven undergraduate’s programs, among which, two are listed in the national first-class undergraduate programs and one in first-class undergraduate programs of Inner Mongolia. The disciplines of Civil Engineering, Architectural Environment and Energy Application Engineering have passed the accreditation of engineering certification. In College of Civil Engineering, there are five research platforms at the provincial level, such as Key Laboratory of Structure and Mechanics in Civil Engineering, four teaching and research teams at the provincial level and 15 education bases co-established by the College of Civil Engineering and other companies.College of Electric Power in Inner Mongolia University of Technology is home to two first-level Maser’s programs, i.e., Control Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering , two professional Master’s programs, i.e., Control Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Among the three undergraduate programs, Electrical Engineering and Automation and Automation are listed in in the national first-class undergraduate programs. Intelligent Gird Information Engineering is listed in the category of “National New Engineering Programs”. A comprehensive and multi-level system of the research platforms has been established in College of Electric Power, including Large-Scale Energy Storage Technology Research Center approved of by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, Inner Mongolia Research Center of Energy Strategy, Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Electromechanical Control, Inner Mongolia Research Center of Intelligent Energy Technology and Equipment Engineering in the Institution of Higher Education To meet the need of the university’s development and of the progress in the academic disciplines, the deans and vice deans are to be openly recruited at home and abroad.I. PositionsA. Dean of College of Energy and Power EngineeringB. Dean of College of Civil EngineeringC. Academic Vice Dean of College of Electric PowerII. RequirementsA. Basic requirements for recruitment 1. The applicants should support the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the socialist system. They should also have good political quality and moral character, love the cause of higher education, have a strong sense of social responsibility and professionalism, and implement the fundamental task of establishing morality when educating students .2. The applicants should be familiar with the philosophy of higher education, agree with the school's education philosophy, have rich management experience, strong organization, coordination and communication skills. They should also have an overall concept, a sense of innovation and teamwork spirit, a rigorous academic attitude, a decent life style, and a forward-looking strategic vision for the development of the college.3. The applicants must have a sound mental and physical conditions for the performance of their duty.B. Qualifications1. The education background of the applicants should cover such fields as Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics, Electrical Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, and Civil Engineering etc. The applicants should have profound academic attainments, outstanding academic achievements, and a good academic reputation and influence.2. The applicants should have a PhD degree or the professional and technical position at the associate professor level or above, and should be not more than 50 years old. The applicants with the overseas work experience or having become a member for the major national talent projects will be given preference in the recruitment process..3. The applicants should have an international academic vision, and management experience in colleges (departments), research institutes or laboratories in the Chinese or overseas universities.III. Term of Employment and CompensationA. An appointment system is implemented with the initial term of five years, including a one-year probationary period.B. A competitive salary and welfare benefits system is provided, which is tailored to each individual, with specific details to be negotiated.C. Transitional housing or housing subsidies are provided, corresponding work placements can be arranged based on the spouse's qualifications, and children’s school enrollment can be coordinated.IV. Recruitment ProceduresA. The applicants should log in to the Inner Mongolia University of Technology Talent Recruitment website (https://zp.imut.edu.cn) to fill in personal application information. The required materials shall be submitted in accordance with the following requirements.1. The applicants should accurately fill in personal application information as prompted on the website, and submit the following documents: valid ID card (front and back); academic qualifications and degree certificates starting from university, electronic registration form from the Academic Degrees Registration Center of China. If the applicants hold the foreign academic qualifications, they should provide the "Certificate of Recognition of Foreign Academic Qualifications" issued by the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange. The applicants should also provide professional and technical qualification certificates, award certificates, patent achievements, professional achievements, project achievements, work summaries, or job performance reports from the last three years, and an electronic copy of the "Personal Integrity Commitment".2. The applicants should carefully read the announcement and the "Personal Integrity Commitment". The materials submitted must be truthful, accurate, and complete. The performance of applicants during the application period will be an important part of the open recruitment background check.B. Qualification reviews for applicants will be conducted based on the recruitment conditions for the position. The qualification review runs through the entire recruitment process. If at any stage it is discovered that an applicant does not meet the registration conditions for the position or has provided false information, once confirmed, he will become an ineligible applicant.C. Candidates will be selected based on their merits and interviews will be conducted in accordance with the relevant procedures.D. Candidates for further review are determined based on the interview results.E. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Officials," the university will perform the procedures for democratic recommendations, inspections, and other official selection and appointment processes. The party committee meeting will be convened to discuss and determine the intended appointee. After the appointment contract is signed, and the employment procedures will be completed in accordance with the relevant regulations. In cases where an individual fails the review or voluntarily withdraws from selection process, he will be replaced in accordance with the ranking of the applicants.V. Other RequirementsThe assessment contents for employed personnel is stipulated in the employment agreement.VI. Contact InformationContacts: Minister. Liu Mr. CaoTelephone: 86-471-6575134 86-471-6576110email: zzb@imut.edu.cnWebsite: http://www.imut.edu.cn 内蒙古工业大学诚邀海内外优秀人才注:如有疑问可联系青塔人才小编号cingtajob4,邮件投递请抄送job@cingta.com。


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